Aminet 35
Aminet 35 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Feb 2000].iso
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Text File
358 lines
; Vector/Matrix operation, assembler version
; $Id: vecmat.s,v 1.4 1998/04/09 16:20:45 tfrieden Exp $
; $Revision: 1.4 $
; $Author: tfrieden $
; $Log: vecmat.s,v $
; Revision 1.4 1998/04/09 16:20:45 tfrieden
; Inserted Jyrki`s changes
; Revision 1.3 1998/04/01 21:21:09 tfrieden
; Added two more function pointers
; Revision 1.1 1998/03/30 02:19:49 tfrieden
; Initial version
X equ 0
Y equ 4
Z equ 8
section code,code
; External references
xref _quad_sqrt
; External definitions
xdef _vm_vec_avg
xdef _vm_vec_dotprod_fpu
xdef _vm_vec_dotprod_int
xdef _vm_vec_dot3_fpu
xdef _vm_vec_dot3_int
xdef _vm_vec_mag_fpu
xdef _vm_vec_mag_int
* xdef _vm_vec_mag_quick
xdef _vm_vec_crossprod_fpu
xdef _vm_vec_crossprod_int
; a0 - dest
; a1 - src0
; a2 - src1
; jxsaarin - tried to make use of free cycles after a memory write
; do a0/a1/a2 must be not touched?
; did a bit scheduling and space-optimization, also a bit
; faster on some CPU's
move.l d2,-(a7) ; save d2
move.l (a1)+,d0
move.l (a1)+,d1
move.l (a1),d2
add.l (a2)+,d0
add.l (a2)+,d1
add.l (a2),d2
asr.l #1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+
asr.l #1,d1
move.l d1,(a0)+
asr.l #1,d2
move.l d2,(a0)
move.l a0,d0
move.l (a7)+,d2
subq.l #8,d0
; Dot product
; Compute x1*x2+y1*y2+z1*z2 / 65536
; a0 - v0
; a1 - v1
; jxsaarin - scheduled, fp2 was to be saved though
; don't know if faster or not
; fmove.l fp0,-(a7) move.l (a7)+,d0 faster on 060 than
; fmove.l fp0,d0, I recall it is better on 040 also!
fmove.x fp2,-(a7) ; save fp2
fmove.l (a0)+,fp0
fmove.l (a0)+,fp1
fmove.l (a0),fp2
fmul.l (a1)+,fp0
fmul.l (a1)+,fp1
fmul.l (a1),fp2
fadd.x fp2,fp0
fmove.x (a7)+,fp2 ; fp2 back
fadd.x fp1,fp0
fmul.d #1.52587890625e-05,fp0 ; "divide" by 65536.0
fmove.l fp0,-(a7)
move.l (a7)+,d0
; jxsaarin - used postincrement addressing, faster and tighter
; two moves faster than movem with two regs
move.l d2,-(a7)
move.l d3,-(a7)
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; v0->x
muls.l (a1)+,d1:d0 ; first product
move.l (a0)+,d2 ; v0->y
muls.l (a1)+,d3:d2 ; second product
add.l d2,d0 ; add it up
addx.l d3,d1
move.l (a0),d2 ; v0->z
muls.l (a1),d3:d2 ; last product
add.l d2,d0 ; add it up
addx.l d3,d1
move.w d1,d0 ; correct the result
swap d0
move.l (a7)+,d3
move.l (a7)+,d2
; Dot product, first vector in d0-d2
; d2 - x
; d3 - y
; d4 - z
; a0 - vector
; jxsaarin - same like before
fmove.x fp2,-(a7)
fmove.l d2,fp0
fmove.l d3,fp1
fmove.l d4,fp2
fmul.l (a0)+,fp0
fmul.l (a0)+,fp1
fmul.l (a0),fp2
fadd.x fp2,fp0
fmove.x (a7)+,fp2 ; fp2 back
fadd.x fp1,fp0
fmul.d #1.52587890625e-05,fp0 ; "divide" by 65536.0
fmove.l fp0,-(a7)
move.l (a7)+,d0
; jxsaarin - replaced movem with two moves, same size also!
move.l d5,-(a7)
move.l d6,-(a7)
move.l (a0)+,d0
muls.l d2,d1:d0
move.l (a0)+,d5
muls.l d3,d6:d5
add.l d5,d0
addx.l d6,d1
move.l (a0),d5
muls.l d4,d6:d5
add.l d5,d0
addx.l d6,d1
move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.l (a7)+,d6
move.l (a7)+,d5
; magnitude of vector
; a0 - vector
fmove.l (a0)+,fp0 ; v->x
fmul.x fp0,fp0 ; v->x ^ 2
fmove.l (a0)+,fp1 ; v->y
fmul.x fp1,fp1 ; v->y ^ 2
fadd.x fp1,fp0
fmove.l (a0),fp1 ; v->z
fmul.x fp1,fp1 ; v->z ^ 2
fadd.x fp1,fp0
fsqrt.x fp0
fmove.l fp0,-(a7)
move.l (a7)+,d0
; jxsaarin - here a assembly version of quad_sqrt should be used
; is this function used a lot?
; replaced movem
move.l d5,-(a7)
move.l d6,-(a7)
move.l (a0),d0
muls.l d2,d1:d0
move.l 4(a0),d5
muls.l d3,d6:d5
add.l d5,d0
addx.l d6,d1
move.l 8(a0),d5
muls.l d4,d6:d5
add.l d5,d0
addx.l d6,d1
move.l d1,-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr _quad_sqrt
add.l #8,sp
move.l (a7)+,d6
move.l (a7)+,d5
; fast version of magnitude
; a0 - vector
; jxsaarin - used exg instead of three moves!
; freed d3
; some kind of distance approximation I see?
; used a1 to store d2
move.l d2,a1 ; save d2
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; get x and set N bit
bpl vvmq_skip1 ; it`s positive, no neg needed
neg.l d0
move.l (a0)+,d1 ; get y
bpl vvmq_skip2
neg.l d1
move.l (a0),d2 ; get z
bpl vvmq_skip3
neg.l d2
cmp.l d0,d1 ; a < b
bgt vvmq_skip4 ; no
exg d0,d1
; move.l d0,d3 ; yes, swap
; move.l d1,d0
; move.l d3,d1
cmp.l d1,d2 ; b < c
bgt vvmq_skip5 ; no
exg d1,d2
; move.l d1,d3 ; yes, swap
; move.l d2,d1
; move.l d3,d2
cmp.l d0,d1 ; test a < b again
bgt vvmq_skip5
exg d0,d1
; move.l d0,d3
; move.l d1,d0
; move.l d3,d1
asr.l #2,d1 ; b >> 2
asr.l #3,d2 ; c >> 3
add.l d1,d0 ; a + bc
add.l d2,d1 ; bc = b>>2 + c>>3
asr.l #1,d1 ; bc >> 1
add.l d1,d0
move.l a1,d2 ; d2 back
; Crossproduct
; a0 - dest
; a1 - src0
; a2 - src1
fmove.l 4(a1),fp0 ; src0->y
fmul.l 8(a2),fp0 ; * src1->z
fmove.l 8(a1),fp1 ; src0->z
fmul.l 4(a2),fp1 ; src1->y
fsub.x fp1,fp0 ; accumulate
fmul.d #1.52587890625e-05,fp0 ; "divide" by 65536.0
fmove.l fp0,(a0) ; store in dest->x
fmove.l 8(a1),fp0 ; src0->z
fmul.l (a2),fp0 ; * src1->x
fmove.l (a1),fp1 ; src0->x
fmul.l 8(a2),fp1 ; src1->z
fsub.x fp1,fp0 ; accumulate
fmul.d #1.52587890625e-05,fp0 ; "divide" by 65536.0
fmove.l fp0,4(a0) ; store in dest->y
fmove.l 0(a1),fp0 ; src0->x
fmul.l 4(a2),fp0 ; * src1->y
fmove.l 4(a1),fp1 ; src0->y
fmul.l 0(a2),fp1 ; src1->x
fsub.x fp1,fp0 ; accumulate
fmul.d #1.52587890625e-05,fp0 ; "divide" by 65536.0
fmove.l fp0,8(a0) ; store in dest->z
move.l a0,d0 ; return value
; jxsaarin - movem with 2 moves
; eliminated neg.l's with sub/subx
; not much but hey, every small optimization
; counts when there are enough of them.. ;)
move.l d2,-(a7)
move.l d3,-(a7)
move.l Y(a1),d0 ; src0->y
move.l Z(a2),d1 ; src1->z
muls.l d1,d1:d0
move.l Z(a1),d2 ; src0->z
move.l Y(a2),d3 ; src1->y
muls.l d2,d2:d3
sub.l d2,d0
subx.l d3,d1
move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.l d0,X(a0)
move.l Z(a1),d0 ; src0->z
move.l X(a2),d1 ; src1->x
muls.l d1,d1:d0
move.l X(a1),d2 ; src0->x
move.l Z(a2),d3 ; src1->z
muls.l d2,d2:d3
sub.l d2,d0
subx.l d3,d1
move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.l d0,Y(a0)
move.l X(a1),d0 ; src0->x
move.l Y(a2),d1 ; src1->y
muls.l d1,d1:d0
move.l Y(a1),d2 ; src0->y
move.l X(a2),d3 ; src1->x
muls.l d2,d2:d3
sub.l d2,d0
subx.l d3,d1
move.w d1,d0
swap d0
move.l d0,Z(a0)
move.l a0,d0 ; return value
move.l (a7)+,d3
move.l (a7)+,d2